Theoretical Aspects and Applicative Peculiarities. Note I. General Characteristics of Biomarkers

Z. Gârban, Adina Avacovici, Gabriela Gârban, G.D. Ghibu, Ariana – Bianca Velciov, Cristina – Ioana Pop
By analytical investigation of tissues and body fluids as well as of metabolites it is possible to evaluate an integrated response at the action of diverse xenobiotics of food interest or of pharmacologic interest on the exposed organism. There are certain substances that are considered “bioindicators”. With a generic term these substances have been denominated "biomarkers" (biological markers). By the interactions between xenobiotics and the organism, modifications take place that affect metabolism and determine the appearance of some bioincompatible substances resulted by the biotransformation of xenobiotics. Thus, modifications of homeostasis are produced that can be revealed by investigations. Human health is affected by all the activities of an individual, who is subject to a continuum of chemical exposures in the external environment, including air, water, soil and food. The important considerations for assessment of risk are the dose, route, duration and frequency of exposure.
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