Influences of Sodium Caseinate and Whey Protein to the Rheology and Baking Properties of Dough

Mihaela Constandache
Dairy ingredients are added to bakery products to increase nutritional and functional properties. Sodium caseinate (SC), untreated whey protein concentrate (WPC) and heat treated whey protein concentrate (WPCHT) were incorporate by replacement into wheat flour, and its effects to dough rheology and the quality of bread were evaluated. 2% SC or 4% SC decreased proof time, increase loaf volume, and improved texture. WPC produced wet and sticky dough, increased proof time, decreased volume, and negatively affected texture. WPCHT improved hanging properties of dough, bread volume and overall baking performance. Incorporation of 10% WPC increased protein content of bread up to 20.2% and also increased the proportion of essential amino acids.
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