Investigations initiated in the 6th decade of the 20th century on the compounds resulted from the interaction between the DNA macromolecule and small molecules led to the idea of appearance of some bioincompatible structures. The resulted compounds have been named, for the first time, as “molecular complexes”, an incompatible denomination because such compounds exist in chemistry and inorganic biochemistry. It was also used the term “molecular associations” (Bergman, 1968), but it does not explain the existence of such compounds. During years of physical-chemical investigations and mecanic-quantum calculations over the electronic density in the donor-acceptor relationship between DNA and small molecules, the term “adducts” was preferred (Stich and Dunn, 1988; Gârban, 2001). This term is used in the present paper following the biogenesis of adducts of DNA with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), respectively of DNA with acridinic compounds, and the aspects connected to patobiochemistry, connex to the appearance of these incompatible structures.