Zorica Voșgan, Anca Dumuța, Maria Grigor, Beatrice Mihalescu, Flavia Pop, Lucia Mihalescu
Volume 30, Issue 4;
Pages: 366-373; 2024
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
In this study, the spreadable cream cheese obtained from cow's milk has been fortified by fruit powders additions (aronia, sea buckthorn, rose hips, hawthorn) to improve the quality characteristics and increase the preservation degree. The physical-chemical properties after preparation and the microbiological ones at intervals of one, three, and ten days of refrigerated storage were analyzedin order to verify the antimicrobial properties of the added fruit powders. The results showed a slight increase in acidity and a decrease in moisture and fat content for all samples with fruit powders, compared to the control sample. The antimicrobial capacity was indicated by the decrease of the bacteria number, thus at the end of the 10 days monitorization interval the microbial count (log10 CFU g−1) of TPC decreased by 19.25-21.80% compared to the control sample; also, EC was not detected at all in the samples with added powders, and CPS were reduced by 46.44-100%. Forest fruit powders can be used in the dairy products manufacturing as natural ingredients, offering resistance to contamination and consumer safety.