Corina I. Megyesi, Nicoleta G. Hădărugă, Ariana B. Velciov, Laura Rădulescu, Adrian Riviș, Gabriel Bujancă, Alexandru Rinovetz, Despina Bordean
Volume 30, Issue 4;
Pages: 451-455; 2024
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Beer is the first alcoholic drink consumed by humans, and the recipe for its manufacture is one of the oldest in human history. Beer is rich in nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium or zinc. This abundance is due to the fact that it is made of plants: barley, wheat and hops. It is a drink beneficial to the health of the human body (if it is consumed in adequate quantities), the soluble fibers in beer helping to prevent constipation and improve digestion. The aim of the study was to perform a sensory characterization of two types of light (pale) beer, purchased from the Romanian market. This involves a sensory evaluation, but also a centralization of the results from a group of tasters. Also, a physical-chemical characterization of the two types of beer was carried out, determining the alcohol concentration, total acidity and mass fraction of CO2.