Quantitative analysis of some antioxidant compounds from the hydroalcoholic extracts of Rosa canina


Dumitru Condrat, Virgiliu Ciutina, Mihaela Meșter, Anca Dicu, Monica Zdremțan, Daniela Diaconescu

Volume 30, Issue 4;
Pages: 535-538; 2024
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551



In this study the quantitative analysis of some antioxidant compounds from the hydroalcoholic extracts of Rosa canina was performed by high performance liquid chromatography, using a Shimadzu Nexera X2 ultra high performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) equipped with a Shimadzu DAD detector (Tokyo, Japan) M30A and a Nucleosil 100-3-C18 reverse phase column. The analyzed plant material was from rose hip fruits (Rosa canina). Two types of hydroalcoholic extracts were analyzed (90%, 70%); the 70% ethanolic extracts had a higher content of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds, compounds with a strong antioxidant character. The analyzed antioxidant compounds were: vanillic acid, rosmarinic acid and ferulic acid. The content of ethanol extracts of Rosa canina in the determined compounds varies between 7.33 -18.97 mg/L. The aim is to capitalize on the Rosa canina plant material by obtaining dry plant extracts incorporated in active principles of therapeutic interest. As a shoulder, it was decided to carry out the extraction process with ethanol 70%, 90% as extraction solvent, and then after the quantitative analysis of the extracts, in the future we are looking at drying by the lyophilization method, with the advantage of preserving the long-term structural and functional integrity of the resulting extracts.

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