Development and characterization of gluten-free noodles from whole rice flour and green banana flour


Daniela Stoin, Ruth Gal, Călin Jianu, Mariana-Atena Poiana, Ersilia Alexa, Ariana Bianca Velciov, Diana Moigradean

Volume 30, Issue 4;
Pages: 503-511; 2024
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551



The food industry is constantly seeking to identify and valorise new natural and sustainable sources, such as plant powders and unconventional flours, as alternatives to traditional flours. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional potential of green banana flour (GBF) to develop and optimize a gluten-free noodle assortment with superior nutritional profile and improved sensory and technological qualities. GBF contains health-promoting compounds that enhance the nutritional value of flour products when combined with whole rice flour (WRF). GBF was used to replace RF in percentages of 0% (control sample), 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% (w/w). Standard methods were used to examine the proximate composition, physical, sensory characteristics and storage stability of the noodle formulas. The sensory analysis of the noodle samples revealed that the 20% GBF sample was the most highly regarded by the evaluators. The results also demonstrated an enhancement in the nutritional profile of the noodles, proportional to the increase in the proportion of GBF in the composite flour blends, in terms of fibre and mineral content, as well as a reduction in cooking time and cooking losses. Consequently, the incorporation of RF and GBF in noodles constitutes a promising avenue for promoting health and culinary excellence.

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