Amelia Buculei, Maria Poroch-Serițan, Mihaela Jarcău, Paulina Țurcan
Volume 30, Issue 3;
Pages: 233-238; 2024
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Listeria has always represented a threat to the food industry and customers` well-being.
The measures applied for the prevention of listeriosis are exclusively general, with no specific and special methods, thus special attention shall be paid to the health education of the population, as well as preventive decontamination in risk units (livestock and poultry farms, food establishments, fast food restaurants).
With the ready-to-eat food popularity growth, Listeria monitoring has transformed into a real challenge, not only due to its pathogenic nature but also due to the product's specification. This aspect intensifies the necessity of pathogen monitoring and hygiene standards during the manufacturing process.
All these goals are achieved through education aimed at raising the level of culture of the entire population, with the appropriation of hygienic and preventive skills applicable in daily practice.