Influence of a fermentation waste on rearing and growth of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): as a sustainable feed source


I.Idris, Y. Akeed, M. Harba, R. Alsafadi, R. Auda, M. Aljahjah. Y. Bakri


Volume 30, Issue 1;
Pages: 50-57; 2024
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


Yellow mealworm (MY) (Tenebrio molitor) is a promising protein source for both human and animal food and feeding. However, the growth parameters and larvae mortality of mealworms are intricately linked to their feeding conditions. This study aimed to explore the improvements of the applications of waste fermented by Aspergillus tubingensis in the feeding course of MY larvae, particularly focusing on its impact on growth performance, and larvae mortality. The results indicate that introducing fermentation waste in the feeding significantly boosts mealworm growth while reducing larvae mortality. Additionally, the enzymes present in the fermented wastes may provide accessibility to crucial valuable nutrients by hydrolyzing the waste.

The study highlights the possible of employing fermentation waste in the mealworm feeding not only to enhance growth but to also provide a cost-effective diet.

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