Mustafa Harmankaya, Sait Gezgin, Mehmet Musa Özcan
Volume 29, Issue 4;
Pages: 367-374; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Se contents of bread wheats harvested in Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute ranged from 89 µg/kg (Ceyhan 99) to 145.0 µg/kg (Seri 82). While Se contents of bread wheat grains harvested from Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute change between 10 µg/kg (Yıldız 98) and 27 µg/kg (Altay 2000), Se contents of bread wheat grains harvested Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute varied between 11.0 µg/kg (Konya 2002) and 25.0 µg/kg (Dagdaş 94). Also, Se contents of bread wheat samples harvested from Trakya Agricultural Research Institute varied from 12 µg/kg (Atilla 12) to 23 µg/kg (Tekirdağ). Durum wheats were provided from five reseach Institutes in Turkey. Se contents were found high in durum wheats provided from Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, and its level changed between 100 µg/kg (Fuatbey 2000) and 142 µg/kg (Sham 1). While Se level of durum wheat harvested in Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute change between 17 µg/kg (Kunduru 1149) and 26 µg/kg (Yelken 2000), Se contents of durum wheat samples harvested from Field CropsCentral Research Institute ranged from 13 µg/kg (Berkmen) to 19 µg/kg (Ankara 98). Generally, Se contents of bread wheat samples were found high according to results of durum wheat samples.