Effect of teff-sorghum-fenugreek flour blending ratios on nutritional and sensory quality of injera


Melaku Tafese Awulachew, Shimeles Shumi Raya, Kumsa D. Kuffi


Volume 29, Issue 4;
Pages: 319-332; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


Foods which lack required amount of nutrients cause serious public health problems. Blending could improve the nutrient composition and hence alleviating associated problems. Injera is an Ethiopian fermented and leavened flatbread commonly made from teff flour. It could be also made from the blends of different cereal flours but lacks scientific investigation on the proper blending ratios of these cereal flours. This study was, therefore, conducted to investigate the effects of teff, sorghum and fenugreek blending ratios on quality attributes of injera. For this, various ratios of teff, sorghum, and fenugreek flours were prepared using a mixture D-optimal design. The results showed that the addition of sorghum and fenugreek flours to teff flour improved the mean fiber (from 4.18 to 5.38%), fat (from 2.5 to 6.37%), protein (from 11.36 to 14.43%), and total energy (from 362.05 to 367.85 kcal) contents of the developed injera. However, the addition of these flours reduced the average mineral content [Iron (16.86 mg), Zinc (1.78 mg), and Calcium (111.39 mg)] as compared to injera made from teff flour alone [Iron:20.13 mg, Zinc: 2.36 mg & Calcium: 146.88 mg].  Injera made from composite flours was observe to have high alkaline retention capacity, lower staling rate and better sensory acceptability than injera made from teff flour alone.

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