Effect of fortification with vegetable purees on sensory and physicochemical properties of wheat flour pasta


Flavia Pop, Zorica Voșgan, Alexia Finta


Volume 29, Issue 4;
Pages: 269-274; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


The research was conducted in order to evaluate the physicochemical and quality characteristics of vegetable puree-enriched pasta for the improvement of their nutritional value. Samples were made from white wheat flour, and fresh vegetable purees have been added to obtained nutritios pasta: spinach, tomato, and beetroot pasta. The following parameters were analized for the pasta products: acidity, humidity, mineral content, volume variations, water solubility index, water absorption index, dry matter losses on preparation, sensory evaluation and micro structural characteristics. Pasta prepared with vegetable purees showed higher values of moisture content compared to control pasta, being directly proportional to the acidity values. Also, pasta prepared with vegetable purees showed a higher increase in volume after boiling compared to control pasta. The incorporation of vegetable matter has led to a softer texture of pasta, which may be due to the non-starchy nature of vegetables. Pastas with spinach and tomato puree were highly valued for their appearance, color, overall quality, and less for flavour. The incorporation of vegetable purees affects the pasta quality attributes and it imparts natural attractive color to the pasta.

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