The influence of heat treatment conditions on the water vapor barrier properties of polyvinyl alcohol-based films


Iulia Benko, Anca Mihaly Cozmuta, Camelia Nicula, Leonard Mihaly Cozmuta, Goran DrazicAnca Peter


Volume 29, Issue 3;
Pages: 191-202; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


The purpose is to develop polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-based formulations with water vapor permeability (WVP) comparable to polyethylene (PE). Seventeen samples were created by modifying PVA with beeswax, citric acid and surfactant, varying heat treatment conditions. Characterization involved optical and electron microscopy, elemental analysis, WVP and biodegradability assessments. Sample B9, with 3% citric acid, heat-treated at 125°C for 30 minutes, exhibited the lowest WVP (0.673 x 10-10 g/s m Pa). B9 was tested as a bread packaging material, displaying similar crust hardness behavior to PE after 1 day and 26.4% higher hardness than PVA after 4 days. B9 matched PE in dry matter preservation after 2 days. Thus, the modification with citric acid, bee wax and by heat treatment, led to an 88% reduction in PVA's water vapor permeability compared to unmodified PVA. The findings suggest B9's potential as an effective alternative packaging material with improved barrier properties and bread preservation capabilities

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