The detection and monitorization of the African Swine Fe-ver Virus infection in domestic pigs and wild boars


Larisa Anghel (Cireașa), Maria-Virginia Tanasa (Acretei), Corneliu Ovidiu Vrancianu, Natalia Roșoiu


Volume 29, Issue 2;
Pages: 107-110; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


In recent years, African Swine Fever (ASF), a deadly pig disease, has spread throughout Europe, America, and Asia, devastating pork production all over the world. The ASF is an acute viral haem-orrhagic disease of pigs and wild boars. ASF outbreaks have been reported in Romania since 2017. Routine surveillance is done in Constanta County by constantly checking for clinical and anato-mopathological conditions of the swine heads and by PRC testing to help with early detection of the disease and ELISA testing for detection of antibodies to the virus. The laboratory diagnostic results of ASF virus conducted from 2020 to 2023 in Constanta County confirmed, using the PCR method, four positive cases of ASF infection in wild boars out of 510 analysed samples and in domestic pigs from private households, 50 positive cases of ASF infection out of 171 analysed samples. We did not detect, using the PCR method, the ASF virus in 3626 samples analysed from commercial farms. With ELISA, we confirmed ten positive cases in wild boar out of 511 analysed samples and 16 posi-tive cases in domestic pigs from private households out of 742 analysed samples. We did not detect, using the ELISA method, the ASF virus in 967 samples analysed from commercial farms. We con-clude that laboratory testing can be used as an indicator to investigate the dynamic of ASF infection in case of positive results identified by genome detection. ELISA test is more suitable to detect the presence of specific antibodies to ASF from the 14th day after contact with the virus. Therefore, it is not reliable to identify if the animals have recently been infected with the ASF virus. However, it can be used to monitor the post-infection immunological status of pigs / wild boar populations in response to the ASF virus.

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