Hulya Sen Arslan
Volume 29, Issue 2;
Pages: 78-81; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
In this study, the effect of ethanolic and methanolic extracts of microwave and air-dried cherry leaves on antioxidant activity were investigated. Prunus armeniaca and Prunus avium leaves were cleaned and dried with microwave (Mw) and air (A) separately. Then, by taking methanol (MeT) and ethanol (ET) extractions, an experimental design was made with two extraction methods as AMeT (Air-Methanol), AET (Air-Ethanol), MwMeT (Microwave-Methanol) and MwET (Microwave-Ethanol) and two drying methods. AMET Prunus armeniaca extracts have the highest antioxidant activity (39.63 mg TEAC/g). MwMET Prunus avium extracts have the lowest antioxidant activity (18.08 mg TEAC/g). When the results are examined in terms of EC50; MwMeT Prunus armeniaca extracts have the highest activity (4.56 g sample/g DPPH). MwMeT Prunus avium extracts have the lowest activity (28.52 g sample/g DPPH). In addition, it was found that leaves also affected antioxidant activity and there was a statistically significant (p<0.05) difference between them.