Sensory analysis of value-added sausage formulations supplemented with tomato processing by-products


Andreea Ilas Cadariu, Ileana Cocan, Diana Moigradean, Monica Negrea, Mariana-Atena Poiana


Volume 29, Issue 1;
Pages: 23-29; 2023
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


The main idea behind the research in this paper focused on the fact that to date there are few studies on the use of tomato processing by-products as an alternative source of biologically active compounds to replace synthetic additives in meat preparations. In this direction, the possibility of incorporating tomato processing by-products into sausage recipes as an alternative to synthetic additives, in particular sodium nitrite, is very attractive. This study aims to evaluate the effects of by-products resulting from the processing of large tomatoes and cherry tomatoes as natural antioxidants used to replace sodium nitrite in the recipe of smoked and dried sausages as well as smoked and scalded sausages. Tomato processing by-products, in powdered form, were used at four levels to provide a dose of total polyphenolic compounds equal to 50, 90, 180 and 270 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/kg raw processed meat. Sensory analysis of products consists of evaluating the signals a person receives through the senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. The sense organs can be considered as detectors involved in transmitting information about the properties of food products from external stimulation to the brain. In the food industry, sensory evaluation is widely used to determine the sensory properties and quality of food. This assessment is extremely important because physico-chemical and microbiological analyses do not reveal the sensory value of food. The information obtained from this research could be useful for designing value-added nitrite-free sausage formulations by exploiting the bioactive potential of tomato processing by-products.

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