Active wine yeast biomass obtained through biotechnological process


Mihai Frîncu, Corina Dumitrache*, Mihaela Begea, Răzvan Ionuț Teodorescu, Camelia Filofteia Diguță, Cornel Daniel Baniță, Valerica Tudor, Alexandru Ionuț Cîrîc, Simona-Ioana Mărculescu, Iuliana Diana Bărbulescu

Volume 28, Issue 1;
Pages: 20-26; 2022
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551


The aim of this paper was to study the influence of some parameters of the fermentation process at laboratory level, using an orbital incubator, with the aim to obtain a high yield of wine active yeast biomass. In order to start the process, previously we isolated the yeasts strain, identified as S. cerevisiae, from the Fetească regală grapes from Pietroasa Viticulture and Winemaking Research and Development Station. The study considered the influence of 3 parameters on the biomass yeast development: the ratio working volume / total volume (Vu/Vt) (100 mL/500 mL; 150 mL/500 mL; 200 mL/500 mL; 300  mL/500 mL); the inoculate rate (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%); and the stirring rate (150 rpm, 170rpm, 200rpm, 240 rpm). After the fermentation process, the medium was centrifuged and washed with sterile distilled water, and the resulting purified wet yeast biomass was dried by lyophilization. The answers of this study were the weight wet (WCW g/100 mL) and the dry biomass (DCW/100 mL), the cellular viability (UFC/ mL), the bioconversion yield regarding the transformation of substrate (sugar) in biomass; pH. The best experiment was for the following cultivation conditions: Vu/Vt ratio 200 mL/500 mL; inoculation rate: 20%; stirring rate 240 rpm; for a WCW of 4.96 g/100 mL. The active yeast wine biomass will be further investigated for a scale-up winemaking process, in order to assess the terroir behavior.

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