Antioxidant and apha-amylase inhibition activities of prickly pears (Opuntia ficus indica L.) betalains extracts and application in yoghurt as natural colorants

Siham Ydjedd, Makhlouf Chaalal, Siham Bahri, Souha Mokadem, Hadjer Radji

Volume 27, Issue 2;
Pages: 140-150; 2021
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant and α-amylase inhibition activities of four betalain extracts of red and yellow prickly pear varieties and essay incorporate in yoghurt as a natural colorant. A highest betacyanins and indicaxanthins contents were obtained with the aqueous extracts of red and yellow varieties. The methanolic extract of red variety showed a strong ferric reducing power, likewise, the aqueous extract of yellow variety revealed an important free radical scavenging activity. Furthermore, a highest α-amylase inhibition activity was obtained with the aqueous and methanolic extracts of the yellow and red varieties, respectively. A positive correlation was observed between the betalains contents and the antioxidant, and the α-amylase inhibition activities of two varieties extracts. The free radical scavenging activity of enriched natural yoghurt was decreased significantly after 28 days of storage. However, a slight changes in physicochemical analysis of yoghurt enriched compared with control samples. The betalain enriched yoghurt can substitute a synthetic (industrial) colorants.
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