Study of drinking water quality in Cahul district

Veronica Filimon, Cristina Obreja, Simona Butan

Volume 26, Issue 4;
Pages: 276-280; 2020
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Groundwater is the main source of drinking water in the Republic of Moldova for the entire rural population and 30% of the urban population (65% of the total population of the country). In this study, the quality of drinking water from Cahul District (The Republic of Moldova) was investigated. Various water samples were collected from wells of rural localities, namely, Taraclia de Salcie, Doina, Huluboaia, Al.I. Cuza, having as reference the water from the central network of Cahul. Organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological analysis were performed. The analyzed water samples have no large deviations from the standards, except of the water from the village of Al.I. Cuza. This situation is very serious, because for a part of the population of Al.I.Cuza, this well is the only source of water and there is a possibility that some habitans use it as drinking water. In the future, our main goal is to perform the analysis of several water samples in Cahul County, in order to identify the suitable drinking water sources
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