In this study, dough rheological characteristics were analyzed for composite flours obtained through different blends between refined wheat flour and defatted flaxseed one. The flaxseed flour was incorporated in wheat flour to a substitution level of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The dough rheological characteristics were analyzed through different Brabender devices such as Glutograph, Farinograph, Extensograph and Amylograph. Also, for the mix samples the falling number values were determined in order to evaluate the alpha amylase activity. According to the obtained data it may be noticed that in general, flaxseed addition increased Farinograph values such as water absorption, dough stability, dough development time and decreased the degree of softening at 10 min. During extension, flaxseed flour decreased dough strength and extensibility. From the pasting point of view, compared to the control sample, the samples in which flaxseed were incorporated in wheat flour presented a lower falling number value and a higher peak viscosity one.