Nutritional and sensory evaluation of gluten-free cake obtained from mixtures of rice flour, almond flour and arrowroot flour

Casiana – Damaris Martinescu, Natalia-Roxana Sârbu, Ariana- Bianca Velciov, Daniela Stoin

Volume 26, Issue 4;
Pages: 368-374; 2020
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The main purpose of this study was the development and sensory and chemical evaluation of an assortment of gluten-free cake, specially designed for people with celiac disease or diabetes, made of rice flour, almond flour and arrowroot flour. Three cake samples from rice flour, almond flour and arrowroot flour were prepared, added in different proportions (80:10:10%, 60:20:20%, 40:30:30%), mixed with other ingredients and compared with control sample (100:0:0%). Standard procedures were used to estimate the proximate composition of flours and cake samples obtained in this study. The results obtained regarding the chemical composition of the studied cake samples show the superior nutritional profile of all three cake samples (CM1, CM2 and CM3) compared to CC. Following the sensory evaluation of this range of cakes, we can recommend the use of mixture: 60% rice flour: 20% almond flour: 20% arrowroot flour.
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