Effect of Mixing Coffee with Some Therapeutic Potential Plants on Some Quality Indicators of the End Product:A Case Study

I. Gherman, Ersilia Alexa, Ileana Cocan, Monica Negrea, Petru Bogdan Rădoi, Alexandru E. Rinovetz

Volume 26, Issue 4;
Pages: 335-342; 2020
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The paper proposes a new direction of preparing the coffee „dark roast” [originating from the Asia-Pacific (marine-like granulation)], mixed with condiment/aromatic plants (thyme, mint, lavender). Method of preparation: French press – patented by Italian designers Attilio Calimani and Giulio Moneta in 1929. The recipe was adapted, by integrating aromatic plants: 18 g of coffee; 2 g of aromatic plant; 330 mL water, t°C ≈100; infusion time of 5 minutes. The products obtained were physical-chemical: polyphenols [maximum coffee „dark roast” (101.68 microg/mL), minimum with mint (90.18microg/mL)]; pH [minimum (5.64), coffee „dark roast”, maximum (5.82), with lavender]; grade Brix [maximum with thyme (0.8%)], free acidity [maximum coffee „dark roast” (0.14 mg NaOH/g), minimum with thyme (0.06 mg NaOH/g)], humidity [maximum coffee „dark roast” (57.79%), minimum with mint (18.68%)] and sensory support with the help of 15 respondents. From a sensory point of view, the mint infusion is ranked 1st (17.6 points), even if the physical-chemical analysis classifies it as average. It can be argued that for the introduction of new products or product improvement it is recommended to study in detail the raw materials, the auxiliary raw materials, the influence induced by the operations performed (special thermal and mass transfer), on the cultivation-harvest processing- compared to sensory analysis.
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