Development and characterization of an innovative prototype of pork sausage

Georgiana Ciortan, Alexandra Duica, Paul Petridean, Adelina Coaca, Ariana Velciov, G. Sofia Popescu, Antoanela Cozma, Delia Dumbrava

Volume 26, Issue 4;
Pages: 375-379; 2020
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The purpose of this study was to develop a new recipe to obtain a special innovative pork sausage, to develop the manufacturing process, technological stages, and nutritional analysis of the final product. We obtained this product starting from a classic recipe (of pork sausage), it was added blueberry fruit. Blueberries are fruits with a high content of antioxidants. The addition of antioxidants to meat products is done to prevent lipid oxidation, delay the development of off- flavours and improve colour stability. The main features observed in the sample of sausage (simple sausage and sausages prepared with added blueberries) where: protein (%), fat (%), carbohydrates (%) and energetic value (kcal/100g). Following the research that have been undertaken in this work, the obtained product (sausages with fruit) can be included in the category of secure products of consuming. From an organoleptic point of view, these sausages were in line with the rules previously established. This work demonstrate that this prototype can be considered a food variant due to its high nutritious properties and to its distinguished taste too.
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