The purpose of this paper is to determine the proximate composition of some types of dark chocolate with different cocoa mass contents (between 60 - 85%). Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and moisture concentration were determined from samples represented by three brands of imported dark chocolate with 60-85% dry cocoa mass, commercialized in hypermarkets of Timisoara. The obtained results show that the analyzed chocolate samples contain important quantities of nutrients, depending on the type of chocolate and analyzed nutritional parameter: 1.24 - 1.36 % moisture; 1.58- 2.11 % minerals; 40.12 – 45.81 % fats; 6.31 - 11.33 % protein and 20.45 – 43.52 % carbohydrates.
In order to highlight the difference between nutritional properties of the dark chocolate in comparison with milk chocolate, a milk chocolate sample was analyzed.
It can be seen that an increase in the mass content of cocoa, leads to a decrease in the concentrations of proteins, fats and even moisture and a decrease in the carbohydrate content. Increasing the cocoa content and decreasing the lipid content of dark chocolate contributes to accentuating the beneficial effects on the bodys health.