Bisphenol A, a chemical that disrupts the endocrine system, is widespread in the population. In addition to the action of the endocrine disruptor, this compound can help develop many other health problems, some of them even serious. Among the categories of subjects, the most vulnerable are babies and children under 3 years old. The ways in which their exposure to BPA can be achieved are multiple, such as baby feeding bottles from PC, containers from PC for preparing food, drinking water from PET bottles made from recycled PET, used for preparing food or milk formulas, or for consumption as such. The purpose of this study is to conduct a market study on the degree of BPA contamination of babies drinking water available on the Romanian market. For the BPA analysis, 13 water samples were used, the samples being analysed by a UV - VIS spectrophotometric method. The results were between 0.12 – 0.76 µg / L, being slightly higher compared to the data in the literature, but without exceeding the limit imposed by EU Regulation no. 213/2018 of 0.05 mg / kg.