The essential oil and yield components of Coridothymus capitatus (L.) Reichb. fill., Salvia albimaculata Hedge & Hub.-Mor., Sideritis phlomoides Boiss. & Ball. used as medicinal tea

Mehmet Musa Ozcan, J.Claude Chalchat, G. Figueredo, Yavuz Bagcı, Huseyin Dural

Volume 25, Issue 4;
Pages: 216-221; 2019
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The essential oil components of aerial parts from Coridothymus capitatus (L.) Reichb. fill., Salvia albimaculata Hedge & Hub.-Mor., Sideritis phlomoides Boiss. & Ball.were investigated by GC and GC-MS. The oil yields of dried plants (v/dw) obtained by hydrodistillation were 3.85%, 1.31% and 1.0%, respectively. Fifty compounds representing 99.9 % of the C.capitatus oil were identified. The main ones were p-cymene (23.5%) and γ-terpinene (16.3%). Twenty-eight components representing 92.7 % of the S. albimaculata oil were determined with high contents of limonene (23.8%), α-pinene (17.6%) and geranyl acetate (14.2%). Fourty-nine components were identified accounting for 94.6% of the S. phlomiodes oil. Major constituents were octanal (40.0%), hexyle acetate (7.9%) and linalool (7.7%). All oils consist of monoterpenic and sesquiterpenes.
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