The effect of NaOH on the performance of the pasteurized liquid egg white

Kübra Yavuz, Mehmet Musa Özcan

Volume 22, Issue 1;
Pages: 43-45; 2016
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Industrial production of egg white occur many problems of bakery industry benefited from binding and foamming properties. Foaming capacity of the influx of eggs contaminated with egg yolk at different rates during the process is separated from the yellow and decreases the ability to obtain stable foam to form. Egg whites impact on the performance of literature in the some additives were investigated in this study. As a result only a portion of the contribution it made a significant change in the capacity of the foam stability of a part , particularly if used in products such as merinque, creating a very limited contribution to the performance of sugar was observed. Egg whites industry will be used in the selection of contributions that will be used by finished goods criteria for election by good analysis. NaOH on the pH it causes very high. Positive impact on all performance features, large changes in pH, pasteurization may cause difficulties because of the changes in the electrical conductivity
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