Some physico-chemical and microbiologic properties of brine and fermented Physalis (Physalis peruvianaL.) fruits

Züleyha Endes, Birol Özkalp, Mehmet Musa Özcan, Fatih Er, Ahmet Gümüşçü

Volume 22, Issue 1;
Pages: 7-12; 2016
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The acidity values were determined as 0.47% in brine and 1.11 % in products with vinegar. Radical activity values of Physalis with brine, vinegar and raw changed between 0.754 (brine) to 4.30 (%) (raw material). In addition, total phenol contents of samples ranged from 0.473 mg GAE/100 ml to 4.30 mgGAE/100 ml. The oil contents of physalis fruits of raw, salted and fermented product in vinegar were found to be 2.25%, 1.03% and 1.17%, respectively. The microbiological analysis were carried out at the end of fermentation, and the total number of bacteria in birine was found to be eight times more than those of the products with vinegar. The oleic acid contents changed between 50.01% and 50.68%. The highest element had potassium, by followed by P, Mg and Ca in descending order. Physalis are nutritionally an important and exotic fruit.
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