Evaluation of antioxidant activity, polyphenols and vitamin C content of some exotic fruits

Delia -Gabriela Dumbravă, Camelia Moldovan, Diana- Nicoleta Raba, Mirela -Viorica Popa, Mărioara Drugă

Volume 22, Issue 1;
Pages: 13-16; 2016
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The aim of this work was to determine the antioxidant activity (by CUPRAC method), polyphenol content (Folin -Ciocâlteu method) and ascorbic acid (iodometric method) of some exotic fruits: pineapple, kiwi and pomegranate, purchased on the local market. The highest antioxidant capacity had the pomegranate sample (0.290 mM Trolox/l) - even diluted 1:2, compared to other samples, followed by kiwi sample (0.115 mM Trolox/l). The lowest antioxidant activity was recorded in the pineapple sample (0.109 mM Trolox/l). In terms of total polyphenols content, the sample with the highest concentration was pomegranate (0.129 mg gallic acid/l) - diluted 1:2, followed by pineapple (0.072 mg gallic aci /l). The lowest polyphenol content was found in kiwi fruit. The highest content of vitamin C was found in kiwi (91.20 mg/100g), followed by pineapple (45.30 mg/100g).
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