Study of the applicability of vegetable oils in phytocosmetology

Camelia Peev, Ştefana Avram, Georgeta Pop, Craina Marius, Dumitru Cătălin, Cristina Dehelean, Corina Danciu

Volume 19, Issue 3;
Pages: 344-347;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Vegetable oils are a class of natural products very frequently used in phytocosmetology. Natural remedies with antiaging action are very popular in our days. Harmfulness of natural compounds on the skin, is quickly observed by the 24-48 hour patch test skin irritation and erythema measurement. Changes in the concentration of melanin and sebum in the dermis, represent real parameters which give informations regarding the status of skin aging. These parameters were measured with the device Mexameter MX18 and Sebumeter MS 815. Peanut oil and olive oil induced a slight increase in levels of melanin, during the 28 days of study. Grape seed oil had a mean constant action. Argan oil and sesame induced a slight reduction in the concentration of melanin. It was also noted that the application of peanut oil and olive induced an increase in concentration in sebum. Argan oil, grapes oil, and to a lesser extent, sesame oil induced a lower level of sebum in the dermis.
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