The effect of incorporation of red lentil flour on the bread quality

Simona Man, Adriana Păucean

Volume 19, Issue 2;
Pages: 148-152;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Lentil, part of the Leguminoseae (Papilonaceae, Fabaceae) family and originary from Central Asia, has been known as an important food since prehistoric times. According to scientific literature, lentil is a functional food, especially due to its high content in proteins and fibers. In this paper we aimed to optimize the addition of red lentil flour in white bread with the purpose to fortify this type of bread and improve its sensory properties (colour, taste, flavour, texture). We used three experimental variants introducing red lentil flour in different proportions 12%, 25% and 40%. The sensorial, physical and chemical analyses have noted that content up to 12% of red lentil flour doesn’t modify adversely these parameters and does not raise technical issues. This result is in conformity with data found in scientific literature.
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