Rope spoilage is a bread disease which consists in bacterial decomposition of the bread crumb. Spoilage organisms are heat-resistant spores of bacteria Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis and B. pumilus which survive the baking process. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of sourdough addition on characteristics of wheat bread and on occurrence of rope spoilage after baking and storage. Ropiness occurs in non-acidified breads and consists in breaking down bread components and leaving behind a fruity, melon-type odour. Sourdough addition increases the acidity of dough from 2.0 acidity degree (control sample) to 4.3 acidity degree in this work. It improves bread quality in terms of microbiological safety but reduces bread volume and porosity as well as worsens organoleptic properties (sour taste, dense and thick crumb). The results showed the reduction of bread height from 140 mm (control sample) toward 102 mm and of bread porosity from 90.2 % (control sample) toward 70.7 % for the last sample. Ropiness was observed only in control sample after 72 hours from baking. The results confirmed the positive role of sourdough on rope spoilage prevention.