Total phenolic content changes during apple growth as a function of variety and fruit position in the crown

Elena Andruta Muresan(Cerbu), Sevastiţa Muste*, Borsa A., Zoriţa Sconţa, Diana Crainic, Muresan V.

Volume 18, Issue 4;
Pages: 341-344;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
Apples (Malus domestica) have been identified as one of the main food sources of phenolic compounds. The aim of this research was to evaluate total polyphenol content in apples peel of different apple varieties. Changes in total phenolic content (TPC) during apple growth were investigated from the 7th to 140th day after full bloom. Samples of three apple varieties (Starkrimson, Ionathan, Golden Delicious) were harvested from different position of the tree crown during apple growth. TPC was assayed by the spectrometric method using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The TPC varied from 154,12 –976,70 mg GAE /100g, for Starkrimson variety, between 101,12 – 925,04 mg GAE /100g for Ionathan variety and between 57,76– 1224,40 mg GAE /100g for Golden Delicious variety. These results provide fundamental contributions to understand the dynamics of accumulation of phenolic compounds in apple peel.
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