Hematological properties of cisplatin and its Ficaria verna Huds. extracts / β-cyclodextrin complexes in rats

Cornel Baltă, Nicoleta G. Hădărugă, Carmen Manuela Pleşa (Mitar), Daniel Ghibu, Gabriela Gârban, Zeno Gârban, Daniel I. Hădărugă

Volume 18, Issue 4;
Pages: 358-361;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former ISSN: 1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online): 2068-9551
The paper presents the hematological modifications (as hemoglobin content) in healthy rats treated with cisplatin / β-cyclodextrin complex solution and cisplatin / Ficaria verna Huds. extract / β-cyclodextrin ternary complex. The hemoglobin content in rats treated with cisplatin / β-cyclodextrin complex has no variation in comparison with the control (a cisplatin treatment lowered the hemoglobin content with more than 20%). Important results were obtained in the case of using of cisplatin / Ficaria verna Huds. extract / β-cyclodextrin ternary complexes in the treatment of rats, where the hemoglobin concentration was higher even than in the case of using β-cyclodextrin complexes without antioxidant compounds. These observations were more important in male than in female rats.
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