Study of the apple parameters’variation during refrigeration storage

Oana - Viorela Nistor, Elisabeta Botez, Gabriel - Dănuţ Mocanu, Doina - Georgeta Andronoiu, Viorica Maria Macovei

Volume 17, Issue 4;
Pages: 439-444;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former: ISSN:1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online):2068 – 9551
The study purpose was to observe the evolution of chemical and physical parameters variation during apple refrigeration storage such as weight losses, core temperature and dry matter for 24 days considering that the determinations were made with a three day frequency. For the experiment were chosen three apples varieties: Golden Delicious, Jonathan and Starkrimson. The apples were stored in three variants (bulk and packed in LDPE foil and ordinary paper) in a professional refrigerator. As a result of these determinations the lower core temperature (2°C) was registered for bulk Golden Delicious apple in the 19th day of refrigeration and the highest is attributed to Jonathan paper packed (5.8°C) in the 4th day of storage. The dry mater increasing is higher for the Strakrimson variation most in the bulk case (with 50.74% bigger than before the storage). The bigger weight loss (10 g) was registered for Jonathan apple paper packed.
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