Quality control of raw cow milk from Galati county

Gabriel – Dănuţ Mocanu, Doina Georgeta Andronoiu, Oana Viorela Nistor, Elisabeta Botez

Volume 17, Issue 3;
Pages: 303-307;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former: ISSN:1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online):2068 – 9551
Due to the importance of milk in the human diet, it is essential to increase milk production and to improve its quality. In order to obtain a complex image of milk quality in Galati county there was made a study based on analyzing raw milk, from January until December 2010, taking into account the influences of animals feeding and conditions of transport and storage (including summer period, when the milk production is maximum, and autumn period, when milk production decreases). To determine the quality and safety of raw milk in Galati county there have been concerned: determinations of physical and chemical characteristics (density, protein content, lactose content, fat content, freezing point) and determinations of microbiological characteristics (total number of mesophyllic germs (NTG) and number of somatic cells (NCS)).
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