Antioxidant activity of some fresh vegetables and fruits juices

Delia -Gabriela Dumbravă, Nicoleta-Gabriela Hădărugă, Camelia Moldovan, Diana- Nicoleta Raba, Mirela -Viorica Popa, B. Rădoi

Volume 17, Issue 2;
Pages: 163-168;
ISSN: 2069-0053 (print) (former: ISSN:1453-1399), Agroprint;
ISSN (online):2068 – 9551
This paper presents the determination of some vegetables and fruits juices antioxidant activity, using the free radical 2,2- diphenyl- 1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, and correlation of the results with the C vitamin concentration in the sample. It was determined, by the iodometric method, the vitamin C concentration both in the raw materials (apple, beetroot, red cabbage, tomatoes and pink grapefruit) and in the juices obtained from this. It was observed that vitamin C concentration in the juices are higher than in the raw materials, the richest in ascorbic acid being the pink grapefruit juice (81,612 mg/100ml), followed by the beetroot juice (68.014 mg/100ml). The lowest vitamin C concentration was found in the apple juice (20,401 mg/100ml). Analysing the obtained results it was conclude that between antioxidant activity and juices vitamin C concentration exists a direct correlation.
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