Vacuum Impregnation Viability of Some Fruits

Claudiu Ursachi, Rodica Segal, Claudia Muresan
The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of applying vacuum impregnation to modify fruits and vegetable composition and structure for a number of industrial uses (minimal processing, freezing or drying pretreatments, etc.). Vacuum impregnation technology consists in the immersion of vegetable products, characterized through high porosity (apple, quince, strawberries, apricots, peaches, peppers, mushrooms, etc), in solutions which contain dissolved substances meant to impregnate the product, and followed by their storage in a place under a certain vacuum pressure. This technology can be applied in order to better the texture of the product to reduce its level of oxidation and its exudates at defrosting, to maintain its color, and to strengthen the different vegetable products with all kinds of nutrients: vitamin E, vitamin C minerals salts, probiotics.
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