Researches concerning detection of irradiated food by physical-chemical methods

Camelia Moldovan, Cutrubinis Mihalis, Rodica Georgescu, Nicoleta Hădărugă, Delia Dumbravă, Boltea Florin, Mărioara Drugă, Mihai Drugă, Cătălina Avrămoni
Meat, especially chicken and fish meat are considered an indispensable food for all ages, enshuring the human organism protein and esential aminoacid request. To prolong of the keep time for meat can use irradiation of it with gamma rays. In America this preserve method is usual for fruit and meat. In Europe, this technique has not industrial apliance, especially due to the human reticence on this subject. Consumers are gaining knowledge about the benefit of food irradiation and its potential to reduce the risk of foodborne disease, but the process is not a replacement for proper food handling practices. Irradiation, like other prevention methods, is only one of the methods used to prevent foodborne illness [1]. Our experiment was developped in 2006 and 2007 years. The aim of this paper was to achieve a comparison of sensorial and physical-chemical properties of some chichen and fish meat samples, which were treated by gamma radiation against samples without radiation treatment. After sensorial examination we determined the following parameters: easily hydrolysable nitrogen content, protein content, Kreiss reaction, H2S reaction, acidity and pH of the samples. According to our results, we detected the samples which were irradiated one year ago finding the same carriage but the ESR (electron spin resonance) value signals were different. The sensorial examination were didn’t discover differences between the control samples and the other samples; the non-iradiated and irradiated samples were in concordance whith the specific legislation. Reporting to the quality indicators, only the reaction which establish the fats oxidation stage was positive (we found the evidence of epihydrinic aldehyde presence), while the rest of determinations had no significant differences between analyzed samples and control samples. It was possible to detect irradiated samples after one year ago by ESR spectroscopy.
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