Journal of Agroalimentary
Processes and Technologies
University of Life Sciences “King Mihai I” from Timişoara
Editorial Board
Student Conference: Life Sciences – Food Processing, 8th of December 2021
WORKSHOP: Reducing food waste throughout the supply chain through social innovation
WORKSHOP: Typology of entrepreneurial universities/Tipologia universităților antreprenoriale
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2024, 30(4)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2024, 30(3)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2024, 30(2)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2024, 30(1)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2023, 29(4)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2023, 29(3)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2023, 29(2)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2023, 29(1)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2022, 28(4)
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2022, 28(3)
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Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2007, 13(1)
The Influence of Hydrothermal Processing upon Soluble Phosphorus Concentration from Milling Streams
Iuliana Banu, Cornelia Lungu, Oana Constantin, Iuliana Aprodu.
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Influence of some Technological Parameter on the Efficient Obtaining of Brine Cheese With Whey Protein
Vasilica Alisa Arus, I. Sion, N. Pircu.
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Studies Regarding Amylolitic Enzymes Influences on Milling and Bakery
Adriana Dabija, Delia Andronic, M. Bulancea, Anca Miron.
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UE Directive Implementation for the Establishment Technological Flux in Food Industry
Ghe. D. Pasat, Nela Caragea.
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Analyze between Cheeses Obtained from Unpasteurized and Pasteurized Milk
Consuela Roibu, Nela Caragea, Mariana Bran.
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Study Regarding the Convective and Conductive Dry Influence for Boron Concentration from Pleurotus Mushrooms Treated with Solution of Boron Complex
P. Savescu, Maria Dinu, L. Giurgiulescu.
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Researches Regarding the Simple Extraction Effect, in to Static Regime, for the Boron and another Ions Concentration from Pleurotus Ostreatus Mushrooms Treated with Solution of Boron Complex
P. Savescu, L. Giurgiulescu, Maria Dinu.
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Comparative Study Regarding the Influence of Dry System upon Chemical Composition of Djebel Tobacco
L. Giurgiulescu, P. Săvescu, Dinu Mariana.
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Researches Regarding the Fibers Influence on the Quality of Bakery Products
Vasilica Alisa Aruş, M. Leonte, N. Pircu.
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Temperature Influence on Dough’s Behaviour
Georgiana Gabriela Codina, Ionela Cretu, V. Paslaru.
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Risks Assessment in Romanian Food Safety Systems: Opportunities and Constrains
Nicoleta Sava, Daniela Borda, Gabriela Rotaru
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Researches Regarding Antibiotics Residuum Presence in Milk and Milk Products in Conformity with European Legislation
A. Dabija, I. Sion, M. Tita, O. Tita.
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The Influence of the Maturity Stage of Grapes on their Basic Composition and the Wines Obtained
Alina Băcanu, M. Gheorghiţă
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Novac and Negru de Dragasani Varieties for Red Wines with Remarkable Technological Potential
C. Nicolaescu, M. Gheorghiţă
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The Biotechnological Possibilities of Improving the Phenolic Composition and Extractivity of Great Burgund Wines
Rodica Petrescu, M. Gheorghiţă
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Researches Regarding the Chemical Leavening Agents’ Role in Quality of Bakery Products
Pop Gabriela
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The Influence of Temperature and Material Type in Biofilm Formation in Food Industry
Oana Emilia Constantin, Clemansa Tofan.
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The Determination of Total Aflatoxins and Ochratoxina A in Rye and Barley
Corina Dajbog, Clemansa Tofan
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Researches Concerning the Influence of the Vegetal Protein Supplements Proportion on the Microbiological Quality of the Composition at the Manufacture of one Semi-Smoked Sausage Assortment
C. D. Sălăgean, C. Laslo, D. Ţibulcă.
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Researches Concerning the Proteolitical Modifications during the Fermentation and the Storage of Cultured Butter Milk
Mihaela- Ancuţa Rotar, Cristina Semeniuc, S. Apostu, Ramona Suharoschi, Crina Mureşan, Georgeta Modoran, Camelia Guş, C. Laslo, Monica Culea
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Researches Concerning Microbiological Evolution of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Yoghurt Storage during Shelf-Life
Mihaela- Ancuţa Rotar, Cristina Semeniuc, S. Apostu, Ramona Suharoschi, Crina Mureşan, Constanţa Modoran, C. Laslo, Camelia Guş, Monica Culea.
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The Quantitative Analysis of Flavonoid Compounds in the Species of Teucrium Chamaerys and Hippophae Rhamnoides
Cecilia Georgescu, Isabela Crăciun, Iuliana Bratu, A. Turtureanu
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Potential Use of Mougeotia Sp. Algae in Food Production, Based on its Carotenoid Content
E. Muntean, V. Bercea, N. Dragos, Nicoleta Muntean
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Technological and Nutritional and Sensorial Influences on Using Different Types of Hydrocolloids on Bread
M. Ognean, V. Jâşcanu, Neli Darie, Luminiţa Mihaela Popa, Anamaria Kurti, Claudia Felicia Ognean
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Addvalue Line Cellulose Derivatives on Obtaining Low Calorie Spreading from High Fat Raw Material
V. Jâşcanu, Neli Darie, Claudia Felicia Ognean, H.I. Sălcianu, Elena-Iuliana Dinică, M. Ognean
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Antioxidant Capacity and Polyphenols Content for Garlic and Basil Flavored Bread
Diana Nicoleta Raba, Diana Moigrădean, Mariana-Atena Poiană, Mirela Popa, I. Jianu.
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Metals Contents of Tomatoes Cultivated in Different Conditions
Monica Harmanescu, Diana Moigradean, I. Gergen.
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Mineral Micronutrients Composition of Bee’s Pollen
Monica Harmanescu, D. Popovici, I. Gergen
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The Malolactic Fermentation Conduction on Red Wines, Using Starter Cultures of Malolactic Bacteria
I. Popescu-Mitroi, M. Gheorghita
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HPLC Assessment of Carotenoids Stability during Lactic Acid Fermentation of Zucchini
E. Muntean
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The Establishing the Quality of Red Wines on the Basis of Chromatic Characteristics
Mariana-Atena Poiană, Diana Moigrădean, I. Gergen, Monica Hărmănescu
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Molecular Aspects of Chromium Toxicity. Chemistry of Binary Systems in Relevance to Food and Biosystems
A. Salifoglou
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Progressive Loss of Hippocampal Cells by Exposure to Al(III) Compounds. Emphasis on Alzheimer Disease
Christiane Nday, Alison J. Drysdale, Bettina Platt, Α. Salifoglou
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Investigation of Neurotoxic Effects of Al(III) on Neuronal and Glial Cells Through N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid Receptors
Christiane Nday, Alison J. Drysdale, Bettina Platt, Α. Salifoglou
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Investigation of the Aqueous Binary System Al(III)-Organophosphate Ligand. Relevance to Al(III) Biotoxicity
Melita Menelaou, V. Georgantas, A. Salifoglou
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The Synthesis, Isolation and Spectroscopic Characterization of a new Ni(II)-Hydroxycarboxylate Complex. Steps toward Understanding of Ni(II) Toxicity
Melita Menelaou, C. Mateescu, A. Salifoglou.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Two NeW Co(II)-Quinate Complex Forms from Aqueous Solutions. Correlation with the Biological Co(II) Speciation
Melita Menelaou, A. Konstantopai, A. Salifoglou
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